Heads of Government and ministers, National Women's Machineries and other change-makers, civil society, business, NGOs, donors, press and celebrities are invited to attend. Due to meeting room capacity, attendance confirmation will be done on a first come, first served basis. Due to meeting room capacity, attendance confirmation will be done on a first come, first served basis. Please submit your RSVP by e-mailing: Karen Williams and Natasha Muhoza, Commonwealth Secretariat. Executive Sessions 9am - 11am – CHOGM Opening Ceremony 2. 45pm – Executive Sessions Executive Sessions and Ministerial Meetings 8am - 8. 45am – The Intergeneration Dialogue A chance for young people to share their declaration and action plan on youth development with Heads of Government followed by a press briefing. 10am - 1pm – Foreign Ministers’ Roundtables with Civil Society and Associated Organisations 10am - 4pm – Retreat for Commonwealth Heads of Government 4. 45pm – Closing Executive Session 6pm - 6.
At this open side event, high-level panelists (minsters or their designates) will discuss the Action Group model so far, the importance of partnerships, progress, lessons learned along the way, and reflect on what more needs to be done to accelerate ambition into action. The side event will feature the announcement of the new Commonwealth Blue Charter Project Incubator, and the launch of CSET Action Groups on Energy Literacy and Geothermal Energy. Articulating a comprehensive and cooperative approach to ocean health, marine climate change, and sustainable ‘blue’ economic development, the Blue Charter provides a platform for all Commonwealth countries to tackle shared ocean issues.
30am - 1. 30pm: Parallel sessions – Addressing the barriers to gender equality and Women Empowerment Accountability for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment This session examines the progress that Commonwealth member countries have made in establishing domestic accountability mechanisms pertaining to gender equality and women empowerment. It will consider how governments have participated in existing international accountability mechanisms such as the Universal Periodic Review, highlight innovative Commonwealth best practice in promoting government accountability including with respect to the need to address gender-disaggregated data gaps, and providing concrete recommendations for the development of accountability mechanisms for gender equality.
The event includes a special update from the Commonwealth Cadre of CVE Experts, a network of advisers that was welcomed by CHOGM in 2018. RSVP by e-mailing Anna Sherburn, Commonwealth Secretariat. Media contact 4pm - 5. 30pm – Day 2 of Side Event Programme Focused on the Call to Action on Sustainable Urbanisation Across the Commonwealth 5.
Moreover, domestic violence escalated and intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic, with high incidence calls to domestic violence helplines increased up to 500% across Commonwealth countries. As a response, Commonwealth Secretariat partnered with the NO MORE Foundation to create and build effective and collaborative pathways to address violence and is convening this event on eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls and the Commonwealth Says NO MORE campaign on the margins of CHOGM. This high-level meeting will be held at the Kigali Conference Centre and distinguished speakers from the UN and across the Commonwealth will be presenting. The novel guidelines on the Whole System Approach in addressing violence against women and girls, as part of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 5, will be launched at the event, with opening remarks by a VVIP.
It examines the hurdles women face in trade and entrepreneurship and will devise key entry points that might to clear the way for greater and sustainable economic empowerment. Watch livestream 3. 30pm - 5. 30pm: Parallel sessions Engaging Men and Boys: Ending Violence Against Women and Girls The session looks at programmes dedicated to engaging men and boys as agents of positive change and examines the critical role data plays in understanding violence against women and girls (VAWG) and its wider impacts. It will provide a platform to present the Secretariat’s project on the Economic Cost of VAWG (EconVAWG) which utilises a new framework that determines the economic cost of VAWG for various sectors in the economy and the state. Intergenerational Celebration This session will highlight the recognition and celebration of the contributions and diversity of women and girls of all ages, including older women.
An RSVP is not required. Contact e-mail: Layne Robinson, and Janneth Mghamba, Commonwealth Secretariat. Media contact 9. 30am - 11. 30am – Keeping 1. 5 Alive: The Glasgow Climate Pact and Building Momentum towards COP27, Co-hosted by the Governments of Rwanda and the United Kingdom To support discussions during the 2022 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and bring momentum to agreed climate commitments, a high-level side event on climate change will be held. It will take stock of COP26 outcomes, especially progress on the Glasgow Climate Pact, discuss innovative ways to access climate finance, including an introduction to the Kigali Principles on Carbon Finance, and aims to generate momentum for COP27 which will take place in Egypt in November 2022. The side event will be co-hosted by the Government of Rwanda and the Government of the United Kingdom, together with the COP26 Presidency.
Human Capital Development: Building Girls Leaders of Tomorrow By exploring the global challenge brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, this session will highlight how digital technologies continue to impact human capital development. Speakers from diverse sectors will discuss the positive and negative lessons learnt across the Commonwealth from the impact of COVID-19 on the ability of women to work, progress in their careers, access education, use coping mechanisms, and address the skills necessary for women to be well positioned in an increasingly digital economy. 2.
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30am - 9. 30 – Blue Charter Action Groups Tackling Ocean and Climate Change Lemigo Hotel, Kigali The Climate crisis is also an ocean crisis. Action Groups under the Commonwealth’s flagship ocean programme, the Blue Charter, are responding to climate change under their respective themes. This event will showcase a sampling of Action Groups’ efforts to date and will encourage discussion on future ocean-climate strategies and initiatives. Contact e-mail: Commonwealth Blue Charter team. Media contact 9am - 10. 30am and 11am - 12.
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30pm – Concluding Press Conference 6. 15pm - 7. 30pm – Meeting of the Reconstituted Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group 2. 45pm - 4. 45pm – High-level Roundtable: The Commonwealth Blue Charter, and the Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition Agenda: Taking action to deliver our common future Both the Commonwealth Blue Charter and the Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition (CSET) emerged from CHOGM 2018 as a collective response to the 2018 CHOGM theme, Towards a Common Future. Globally unique, the Blue Charter and CSET are implemented through country-led ‘Action Groups’ to translate CHOGM words into actions – delivering our common future through connecting, innovating and transforming.
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Rwandan and Commonwealth designers will have the opportunity to learn from each other, co-create, network and build synergies for future collaboration. Invitations: All delegates are invited to attend, and an RSVP is not required. Contact e-mail: Natasha Haguma, Collective Rwanda. Commonwealth People’s Forum 21-22 June, 2022 M Hotel in Kigali Watch Opening Session recording View schedule on the Commonwealth Foundation website Commonwealth Business Forum 21-23 June, 2022 Kigali Convention and Exhibition Village View schedule on the Commonwealth Business Forum website Ministerial Meetings 11am - 1pm – Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group Meeting 3.
The event will bring together a range of leaders from across the Commonwealth, United Nations organisations, civil society, private sector, young people and women to discuss progress on the Glasgow Climate Pact, accessing climate finance, the desired outcomes of COP27 in Egypt and how Commonwealth Member States can work together to achieve them. Contact e-mail: Juliet Kabera and Faustin Muyazikwiye, Rwanda Environment Management Authority, and Alain Michel, Government of Rwanda. 1pm - 2. 30pm – High-Level Side Event on Violence Against Women and Girls Watch livestream recording Globally, one in three women and one in six women have experienced a form of sexual violence in their lifetime.
5. 15pm - 5. 45pm – Launch of Youth Led Initiatives: The Commonwealth Youth for Sustainable Urbanisation and Sustainable and Clean Energy Action Group 5. 45pm - 6pm – Closing Debrief and Reflections 6pm – Cultural Dinner Reception Please note all times are in GMT+2 Commonwealth Women's Forum All #CWF events takes place on 20-21 June, 2022 at the Serena Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. More info and media contact 9am - 10. 30am: Commonwealth Women's Forum Opening Session The Commonwealth Women’s Forum will officially begin with a plenary reflecting on gender equality, Welcome Remarks, a young speaker highlighting opportunities in the Commonwealth, and Opening Remarks from a Guest of Honour.
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